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Exploring New Heights: Advanced Sex Positions to Try

Jun 14, 2024 Evelyn Witt
Exploring New Heights: Advanced Sex Positions to Try-SexBodyShop

For those looking to add a little extra excitement to their intimate moments, advanced sex positions can offer new levels of pleasure and connection. These positions often require more flexibility and strength, but the payoff is worth it. Here are some advanced sex positions to try and tips to master them.

1. The Lotus

The Lotus is a deeply intimate position that requires flexibility and closeness. The receiving partner sits cross-legged while the penetrating partner sits on their lap, wrapping their legs around their partner's waist. This position allows for deep penetration and intense eye contact, enhancing emotional connection.

2. The Standing Wheelbarrow

This position combines balance and strength. The receiving partner supports their weight on their hands while the penetrating partner holds their legs, similar to a wheelbarrow. The standing partner controls the thrusting, providing deep penetration and a unique angle for G-spot stimulation.

3. The Pretzel Dip

In this position, the receiving partner lies on their side while the penetrating partner kneels, straddling their bottom leg and holding their top leg. This position allows for deep penetration and provides a unique angle that can stimulate different erogenous zones.

4. The Bridge

The Bridge requires significant strength and flexibility. The receiving partner forms a bridge with their body by lying on their back and lifting their hips, while the penetrating partner stands or kneels in front. This position allows for deep penetration and strong thrusting.

5. The T-Position

In this advanced position, the receiving partner lies on their back with their legs extended straight up, while the penetrating partner lies perpendicular across them, forming a T shape. This position allows for deep penetration and intense stimulation.


Exploring advanced sex positions can bring new excitement and deeper connection to your intimate life. While these positions may require practice and flexibility, the enhanced pleasure and intimacy they offer are well worth the effort. Remember to communicate with your partner and take it slow, ensuring both of you are comfortable and enjoying the experience.

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