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Sex Positions for Pregnant Couples: Safety and Comfort

Jun 14, 2024 Evelyn Witt
Sex Positions for Pregnant Couples: Safety and Comfort-SexBodyShop

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining intimacy with your partner. As your body changes, finding comfortable and safe sex positions becomes crucial. This guide explores some of the best sex positions for pregnant couples, ensuring both safety and comfort while keeping the spark alive.

1. Side-by-Side

The Side-by-Side position is one of the most recommended positions for pregnant couples, especially during the later stages of pregnancy. Both partners lie on their sides facing each other, allowing for gentle and intimate penetration.

  • Why it works: This position prevents any pressure on the belly and allows for close, intimate contact.
  • Tips: Use pillows to support your back and belly for added comfort.

2. Spooning

Spooning is another excellent position for pregnant couples. Both partners lie on their sides, with the penetrating partner behind the receiving partner. This position is cozy and comforting, allowing for deep, gentle penetration.

  • Why it works: It minimizes pressure on the belly and provides a sense of closeness and security.
  • Tips: A pillow between the knees can help align the hips and provide extra comfort.

3. Woman on Top

In the Woman on Top position, the receiving partner sits or kneels on top of the penetrating partner. This position allows the receiving partner to control the depth and pace of penetration, making it comfortable and customizable.

  • Why it works: The receiving partner has full control over movement and can adjust as needed to avoid discomfort.
  • Tips: Use a sturdy surface to support yourself and maintain balance.

4. Edge of the Bed

In this position, the receiving partner lies on their back at the edge of the bed with their legs hanging down, while the penetrating partner stands or kneels in front. This allows for easy access and control.

  • Why it works: It keeps pressure off the belly and allows the penetrating partner to control the depth and pace.
  • Tips: Place pillows under the hips for extra support and comfort.

5. Seated Scissors

The Seated Scissors position involves both partners sitting on the bed, with the receiving partner's legs draped over the penetrating partner's shoulders. This position provides a unique angle and can be very intimate.

  • Why it works: It allows for deep penetration without putting pressure on the belly.
  • Tips: Use pillows to support your back and maintain a comfortable posture.

6. Modified Doggy Style

In the Modified Doggy Style position, the receiving partner gets on their hands and knees, while the penetrating partner kneels behind. This variation involves using pillows to support the receiving partner’s belly and chest, reducing strain.

  • Why it works: It offers deep penetration and can be adjusted for comfort.
  • Tips: Ensure the receiving partner's back is well-supported with pillows.


Maintaining intimacy during pregnancy is essential for the emotional and physical well-being of both partners. By experimenting with these safe and comfortable sex positions, pregnant couples can continue to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. Communication is key—always ensure that both partners are comfortable and listen to each other's needs. Remember, the goal is to keep the connection strong while prioritizing safety and comfort. Enjoy this beautiful journey together, and embrace the changes with love and understanding.

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